1355 N Bendix Dr, South Bend, In 46628 574-400-0258
A Gardners Alphabet- BOM full set- Crabapple Hill-592
The 22 blocks in this beautiful 64"x 73" botanical quilt are broken into 12 patterns. The richly embroidered blocks are crayon tinted for added dimension and realism. The monarch butterfly could practically flutter off the quilt, and I swear I can smell the wild roses! Large size patterns (8½" x 11").
Assembly pattern will give you fabric amounts, a complete list of embroidery floss required for the entire quilt, trimming directions for all the embroideries, piecing and finishing instructions. Included are 2 pages that can be folded into a 12 page stitching guidebook with instructions on how to assemble it.The individual block patterns #580 through #591 will give you floss and fabric requirements for those blocks only, tracing, crayon tinting, and stitching instructions. The pattern covers have large, clear images to use as a tinting guide.